Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Blonde Girls Have ALL the Fun (a rant)

I am not a fan of blonde girls at the moment. Not all blonde girls, just the ones that "write" their speeches at 2:30 the morning they are to give said speech, and STILL win!!
let me start from the beginning.
SGA (student government association) elections were today. We had to give speeches after chapel. They told you before you signed up, while you were signing up, and multiple times after you signed up that you had to give a SPEECH. Yet still, two out of the four of the girls didn't have speeches, and even then, they all abandoned the remnant of a speech they had. They won. One girl had been president of her student council at home. I voted for her, because she deserved it. The other girl that won had her "speech" written on a gum-wrapper- sized piece of paper, and yes, she abandoned it. Oh the frustration!! To top it off I was told I lost by someone, unaffiliated with sga, in a very rude way. Which leads me to my next topic.
Boys are so not cool! I feel used as a friend.
scenario: after devo, or in the student center, or some other public place, lets say dining hall for this scene. You are having a conversation with a FRIEND of the male persuasion. The conversation is in no way dull or lacking. All the sudden a thin, flighty, light haired, heavily made-up female walks by or says hello, and you are yesterday's old meatloaf! This happened to me no less than 6 times tonight. I am feeling golden.
I don't know if it was because it was a Tuesday or god needed to bruise me a little, but please pray for me.

self esteem rating at the moment: 5% (I still have a good smile, and one male friend in the world. This is only because he said the only nice, reassuring thing all day: "hello Susansita!")
Academic update: I am doing fine, I studied today and last night. We are finally getting to a spot where I feel comfortable in Spanish (a.k.a. grammar.)

love to all.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry your feelings were hurt. I am very glad that you are doing so well with your studies. When a door closes, it usually means something better or better for you is on the way. Watch for and be open to that, and don't let the Twiggys get you down.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm a male, and also your friend! But I know... you were talking about college.